Gwen suehunu

I’m Gwen Suehunu

I’m an activist and educator with over a decade long background in academia, and a sincere focus on procuring equity for disadvantaged populations. Also a storyteller and artist, I express myself through various mediums, and am currently directing InvisABLE, a film spotlighting Black mothers with disabilities in Washington, DC.

“Part of the problem is that we tend to think that equality is about treating everyone the same, when it's not. It's about fairness. It's about equity of access.”

-Judith Huemann

Signature Topics

Disability Rights & Ableism



Race and Gender

Equity & Accessibility In The Workplace

LGBTQA + Rights

Collaboration Packages

Package A

for $2000

Package B

for $3,500

Package c

for $5,000

What Others Are Saying

“Gwendolyn Suehunu's workshop was illuminating and transformative. Her presentation was well structured and interactive. She effortlessly weaves compassion and wit into difficult topics which kept our employees engaged and left them inspired.”

GeAnne Nelson, Crisis Response Coordinator, ONWA

“An incredible and enthusiastic activist and speaker, Gwendolyn Suehunu is an indispensable resource for those seeking knowledge and insight at the intersection of lived experience and critical thought.”

Kara Hunt,Ph.D, MCCR Director of Education & Outreach

“Gwendolyn’s passion really shines through her lessons, and her commitment to equity and community is exemplary!”

Jessica Curry, College of William & Mary