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Hi, I’m Gwendolyn Suehunu

A civil rights community activist with a focus on Black, immigrant, disabled and other economically disenfranchised populations.

I’m an educator, storyteller, and visual artist with a Bachelor’s in Literature & Language Arts. In 2015, I published “A Simple Plan” and now direct “InvisABLE,” a documentary spotlighting Black mothers with disabilities in DC. My activism focuses on marginalized communities, leading workshops and serving as a panelist on topics like Anti-Blackness and Ableism. I’m committed to creating a more just and equitable society for all.

My Mission

Gwendolyn is a civil rights community activist with a focus on Black, immigrant, disabled and other economically disenfranchised populations. She’s facilitated workshops, locally and internationally, on topics such as Anti-Blackness and Ableism, as well as served as a panelist for organizations shining a spotlight on a variety of social issues.

Gwendolyn is a civil rights community activist with a focus on Black, immigrant, disabled and other economically disenfranchised populations. She’s facilitated workshops, locally and internationally, on topics such as Anti-Blackness and Ableism, as well as served .

Collaboration Packages

Package A

for $3000

Package B

for $3000

Package c

for $3000

What Others Are Saying

“The Yoga Yajnavalkya is another early text on yoga that provides description of Yoga techniques and its benefits. Two of its Sanskrit palm-leaf manuscripts have been dated, one is from the early 10th-century CE and another more firmly”

Sharon, Virtual Assistant

“The Yoga Yajnavalkya is another early text on yoga that provides description of Yoga techniques and its benefits. Two of its Sanskrit palm-leaf manuscripts have been dated, one is from the early 10th-century CE and another more firmly”

Sharon, Virtual Assistant

“The Yoga Yajnavalkya is another early text on yoga that provides description of Yoga techniques and its benefits. Two of its Sanskrit palm-leaf manuscripts have been dated, one is from the early 10th-century CE and another more firmly”

Sharon, Virtual Assistant